
Recent news & event

News & Open Calls – Centre for LeisureTime Activities JUNIOR: “Show your talent” – Program

Show your talent is a unique development program for young people. We created it especially for high school students.  Our intention was not to do a one-off training, but an intensive program. Therefore, it will last 6 months and will be up to 84 hours in total. This will enable students to get to know themselves,…

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Our members

1. ACT for SOCIETY Centre (ALBANIA) 2. CUBIC (AUSTRIA) 3. Network of De Hoge Rielen & Destelheide (BELGIUM) 4. International Youth Center (BULGARIA) 5. Finnish Youth Centres (FINLAND) 6. Youth Centre Villa Elba (FINLAND) 7. Haus der offenen Tür – HoT Sinzig (GERMANY) 8. Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (GERMANY) 9. Filoxenia, Intercultural-Environment (GREECE) 10. EURO-NET (ITALY) 11.…

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1990 – European Ministers responsible for Youth recommended a feasibility study on the creation of a second European Youth Centre in a Central or East European country to be carried out

In the final document of their 3rd Conference (Lisbon, 20-21 September 1990), the European Ministers responsible for Youth recommended the Committee of Ministers to charge the Governing Board of the EYC and EYF in collaboration with the CDEJ to carry out, on the basis of the fundamental principles of the Council of Europe’s youth policy,…

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ENYC & the National Programme of the Republic of Moldova for Developing Youth Centres (Timisoara – ROMANIA, August 2019)

On 13-17 of August 2019, a delegation from the Republic of Moldova (youth workers, youth centres directors, representatives of the Ministry of Education) came to Timisoara to exchange good practices regarding youth centres. In this context, the vice president of ENYC (Yolanda FLORESCU) had a 3 hours meeting with this delegation. During this time, she…

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ENYC @ Youth Centres UP International Conference 2019 – International YOUTH Day (TIMISOARA – Romania, August 2019)

The vice president of ENYC, Yolanda FLORESCU participated at Youth Centres UP International Conference as guest speaker and facilitator of the workshop SDG no.4 (Quality Education)in youth centres. On 12 of August – the International Youth Day, organised under the UN headline “Transforming Education”, which highlights efforts to make education more relevant, equitable and inclusive for all youth, including…

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Blog categories

All1. ACT for SOCIETY Centre (ALBANIA)AttendingsBoard of Directors2. Centre for Leisure Time Activities JUNIOR (SLOVAKIA)Common StatementsCooperations between our membersCouncil of Europe (CoE)3. CUBIC (AUSTRIA)ENYC's history in policy papers4. EURO-NET (ITALY)5. Filoxenia - Intercultural-Environmental Organisation (GREECE)6. Finnish Youth Centres Association (FINLAND)Future Meetings8. International youth center (BULGARIA)9. Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (GERMANY)Manuals & other ResourcesMission & Vision10. Mladinski Center Krško – Youth center Krško (SLOVENIA)News & Open Calls - ACT for SOCIETY Centre (Albania)News & Open Calls - Centre for LeisureTime Activities JUNIOR (Slovakia)News & Open Calls - CUBIC (Austria)News & Open Calls - EURO-NET (Italy)News & Open Calls - Filoxenia – Intercultural-Environmental Organisation (Greece)News & Open Calls - Finnish Youth Centres Association (Finland)News & Open Calls - Haus der offenen Tür – HoT Sinzig (Germany)News & Open Calls - International youth center (Bulgaria)News & Open Calls - Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (Germany)News & Open Calls - Mladinski Center Krško – Youth center Krško (Slovenia)News & Open Calls - Regional Youth Centre of Kosice (Slovakia)News & Open Calls - S & G – System and Generation Association (Turkey)News & Open Calls - St. Andrews family resource centre (Ireland)News & Open Calls - Youth Centre Villa Elba (Finland)Our MembersPast MeetingsPast Statute & RegulationProjects11. Regional Youth Centre of Kosice (SLOVAKIA)Resources from our members12. S&G – System and Generation Association (TURKEY)13. Shrewsbury House Youth and Community Centre (UK)14. St. Andrews family resource centre (IRELAND)Useful INFO15. Youth Centre Villa Elba (FINLAND)Youth Policies

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