Due to the fact that in its application to become European Capital of Culture 2024 (“ARCTICULATION”), Bodø chose as the 1st of its 5 key priorities “Children and YOUNG PEOPLE”, we found this as a good opportunity to visit 3 of the cities active youth centres and to have a meeting with the youth department of the Municipality of Bodø.
In this context, the vice president of ENYC, Yolanda FLORESCU, found out about the profile of young people in Bodø, about how the facilities function, the methods used by the youth workers and about the challenges that young people face in this city (brain drain combined with the situation of young immigrants that face cultural barriers, the lack of opportunities for young people etc.). In this context, especially due to the European dimension of the city’s cultural programme, and the existence of the local network of youth centres, ENYC could play an active role in facilitating, at European level, the exchange of good practices of social inclusion and tackling important issues for young people through culture, using culture as attractive and engaging youth work method.