Article 1

An association shall be created with the name “Réseau Européen de Centres de Jeunesse”. This association shall be set up in accordance with the French law of 1901 (régime des associations loi 1901).
The registered office shall be at the following address: c/o Association MUSIKADO
rue du 21 Juin 1944
43100 Brioude

The association shall be registered at the sous-préfecture of Brioude.

Article 2

The association shall be set up for an unlimited period.

Article 3

The aims of the Association are:

  • to promote, under the auspices of the Council of Europe, co-operation between existing youth centres in the States parties to the European Cultural Convention;
  • to encourage the development of youth centres with an international dimension;
  • to exchange experiences and good practice, in particular as regards training of youth leaders and youth workers in a multinational and multicultural context;
  • to disseminate information on the work of the Council of Europe in the youth field, and of the European Union and other relevant institutions;
  • to contribute to the implementation of the objectives and priorities of the Council of Europe in the youth field;
  • to contribute to youth policy development at local, regional, national and European levels.

Article 4

The aims of the association shall be free from self-interest. It shall be non profit-making. Any surpluses shall be re-invested in the activities of the association in accordance with the aims laid down.

Article 5

The association shall be liable for any harm the administration, or any other representative appointed in accordance with the statutes, causes to a third party by any act for which liability shall be incurred, carried out in the performance of his or her duties.

Article 6

The association shall be composed of full members, associate members and honorary members.
Full membership shall be open to non-profit making youth centres being involved in education and training in the context of non-formal education/learning, capable of providing the necessary facilities, and acting in a context of public interest, whether they have legal personality or they belong to a federation, or they are placed under the supervision of a local or regional authority or a public body.

Full members are bodies or equivalent entities, which subscribe to the aims of the association and to the present Statute, and pay the subscription.
Associate membership shall be open to bodies, institutions or authorities with interest of whatever kind in education and training of young people, in the context of non-formal education/learning and in a European context, provided that they declare their allegiance to the network’s aims and principles.

Honorary membership shall be open to individuals who have served the network with distinction.
Only full members shall have the right to vote in the Association’s bodies. Associate members and honorary members shall only have consultative status.

Article 7

Applications for full membership or associate membership shall be made to the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) in writing and shall state the applicant’s reasons for applying. The Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) shall determine an application within three months of its receipt. An applicant or a member of the association may appeal to the General Assembly against decisions of the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) by a registered letter addressed to the President of the association.

Honorary membership shall be granted by the General Assembly by a three-quarters majority of members present or represented.
Honorary membership shall not take effect until accepted in writing by those receiving it.
The Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) shall keep a list of members.

Article 8

Membership of the association shall lapse if the subscription is not paid.
The Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) may decide to exclude a member in the event of serious violation of the aims or other statutory rules or for any other action seriously prejudicial to the association. It may also decide to exclude a member who is no longer active in his country in the domains in which he is involved, or who is no longer active within the framework of the network. The member concerned may appeal to the General Assembly within one month of notification of the decision.


A. General Assembly

Article 9

The General Assembly of the association shall be composed of all members who have paid their subscription.
It shall meet in ordinary session once a year and each time the interests of the association so require, by convocation from the President on the dates he or she determines.
The President shall also convene exceptional sessions of the Assembly at the request of the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) or one third of the members within two months of such a request being made.
The agenda shall be drawn up by the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration).
Convocations shall be accompanied by the agenda and shall be sent to members in writing at least fifteen days before the date of the session.

Only decisions taken on questions which have appeared on the agenda shall be valid.

Article 10

The General Assembly shall have the following powers:

  • drawing up the main orientations of the Association’s action;
  • voting on the Secretary General’s and Treasurer’s reports;
  • approving the accounts of the previous financial year;
  • approving the provisional budget for the next year;
  • taking decisions on questions on the agenda;
  • renewing or replacing members of the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration);
  • setting the amount of the subscription;
  • deciding on procedural questions.

General Assembly resolutions shall be taken by a two-third majority of the members present or represented. Members shall be entitled to a maximum of two proxy votes.
No member shall have the right to vote on resolutions concerning legal acts or judicial actions concerning him or her.
There shall be no departure from law of 1901 (loi de 1901 régissant les associations) which provides that a resolution shall be valid even where no assembly of the members has been convened if all the members agree to the resolution in writing.
Minutes shall be taken of proceedings. The minutes shall be signed by the President and the Secretary General and recorded in a register kept for that purpose.

B. Board of Directors (Conseil dAdministration)

Article 11

The Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) shall run the association.
It shall be composed of a maximum of seven members who shall include the President, Vice-President, Secretary General and Treasurer of the association.
The members of the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) shall be chosen by the General Assembly from among its members for a period of three years.
The decisions of the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) are taken by unanimity, otherwise by a majority of its members, the President having a quality vote if necessary.
The Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) may decide to invite other persons to attend its meetings in a consultative capacity.
The Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) may be dismissed by the General Assembly.

Article 12

The Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) shall meet as often as it so decides according to the procedures it shall determine.
It shall take all the decisions necessary for the administration and day-to-day running of the association which do not fall to the General Assembly or have not been delegated to the President under law, the statutes or a decision.

It shall open a single bank or post office account relating all the association’s financial transactions.

In its administrative capacity, the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) shall ensure that all legal entries and notifications are made in the Register of Associations.
In the event of liabilities exceeding assets, the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) shall request the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings.
The Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) shall keep a register of its decisions, which shall be signed by the President.
The Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) may delegate, to one or more of its members, all or some of the powers vested in it.

Article 13

The President shall ensure that the statutes are complied with and that the moral and financial interests of the association are safeguarded. He or she shall ensure that the day-to-day business of the association is carried out in accordance with the decisions of the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration). Responsibility for the legal, judicial and extra-judicial representation of the association in all matters of civil life shall fall to him or her within the administration. He or she shall be able to perform alone all such actions. He or she shall also be able to delegate to other members of the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) his or her legal representation duties.

The President shall notify the sous-préfecture de Brioude within three months of all decisions concerning changes in the composition of the Board of Administration, amendments to the Statutes, transfer of the registered office or dissolution.
The President shall be elected by the General Assembly for a period of three years by a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented.

The General Assembly may dismiss him or her by the above-mentioned majority.
If the post of President falls vacant, the First Vice-President shall become Acting President.

Article 14

The Vice-President shall be elected by the General Assembly, by a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented, for a period of three years..
The General Assembly may dismiss him or her by the above-mentioned majority.

Article 15

The Secretary General of the association shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the association.
He or she shall keep minutes of decisions and update the list of members.
He or she shall be appointed by the General Assembly, by a simple majority of the members present or represented, for a period of three years.

The General Assembly may dismiss him or her by the above-mentioned majority.

Article 16

The Treasurer shall ensure that the accounts are kept in order and shall keep accurate and reliable records of receipts and expenditure.
He or she shall, in collaboration with the President, submit the financial report and provisional budget of the association.

He or she shall be appointed by the General Assembly for a renewable period of three years, by a simple majority of the members present or represented.
The General Assembly may dismiss him or her by the above-mentioned majority.

Article 17

The respective powers of the organs mentioned in Articles 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 may be specified in rules of procedure.

C. Resources

Article 18

The resources of the association shall be composed of:

  • subscriptions,
  • subsidies,
  • donations and legacies,
  • exceptional resources.


Article 19

The Statutes may be amended only on the proposal of the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration) or half the active members up-to-date with their subscriptions. An Extraordinary General Assembly, convened to decide upon such amendments, shall be composed of at least half of its members. If this proportion is not reached, the General Assembly shall be reconvened fifteen days later. It may then decide whatever the number of members present.

A two-third majority of the members present is necessary for a decision in this respect.

Article 20

Dissolution of the association shall be pronounced at the request of the Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration), by an Extraordinary General Assembly of the members convened specially for this purpose according to the rules laid down in Article 9.

The General Assembly convened to pronounce shall include at least half the members of which it is composed plus one. If this proportion is not reached, the Assembly shall be reconvened fifteen days later. It may then decide whatever the number of members present. In any event, dissolution shall be decided only by a two-thirds majority of the members present.
In the event of dissolution, the General Assembly shall appoint one or more liquidators to liquidate the assets of the association. It shall donate the net assets to one or more associations pursuing a similar goal.

The present Statutes were adopted by the Constitutive Assembly held in Strasbourg on 29 September 2003.

They have been modified by the General Assembly of the 28th of January 2012 at Kryoneri Korinthias, Greece.

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