News & Open Calls – Centre for LeisureTime Activities JUNIOR: “Show your talent” – Program

Show your talent is a unique development program for young people. We created it especially for high school students.  Our intention was not to do a one-off training, but an intensive program. Therefore, it will last 6 months and will be up to 84 hours in total. This will enable students to get to know themselves, discover their talents, skills, strengths, but also weaknesses and take the initiative for their personal development. 

Show your talent is an author project of an experienced team of non-formal education professionals. It reflects the current needs of young people, uses the methodology of experiential learning, supports individual potential and teamwork. It imports non-formal education elements directly into the school environment, networking all actors at the local level.

The participants in our program are not only students but also teachers and headmasters, blurring the differences and barriers between teachers and pupils. Teachers are not “supervisors” or “teachers”, but are an integral part of student teams and participate in all activities. Involved pupils are not only from one class, as is customary, but from different classes or grades, which makes each other get to know and share experiences.

Part of the educational activities is also a separate workshop for all school teachers, which focuses on non-formal education methods and their use in the school environment, learning styles or student motivation.

The mentors in our program are people who have achieved results in their professional field but are also close to the age of students. As a result, they are more confident in the students and are not so far apart. A new feature of the second year is mentoring for involved teachers who have the opportunity to receive support from their mentor, inspiration as well as practical experience with non-formal education. Every student and teacher in our program has the opportunity to take the CliftonStrengths talent test from the Gallup Institute and get a certificate for their TOP 5 talents.

We are involved in the Trendwatching project, which is carried out by YouthWatch, thanks to which we contribute to mapping trends in youth work.

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