
Recent news & event

European Cultural Convention

The European Cultural Convention was adopted on 19 December 1954 in Paris (France) and came into force on 5 May 1955 (Council of Europe Treaty Series no. 018). It is open for signature by member states and for accession by non-member states and the European Community. The purpose of this Convention is to develop mutual understanding among the peoples of…

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OSCE Youth – Resources

OSCE Youth: The OSCE’s commitment to promote the role and the inclusion of youth in its peace and security agenda dates back to its founding document, the Helsinki Final Act, and has been strengthened through many subsequent OSCE decisions. Two consecutive Ministerial Council declarations, in 2014 and 2015, acknowledged the potential of young people to…

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Eurodesk is an international non-profit association created in 1990. As a support organisation to Erasmus+, Eurodesk makes information on learning mobility comprehensive and accessible to young people and those who work with them. With a network of national coordinators connected to over 1100 local information providers in 36 European countries (with Serbia joining in March 2019),…

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Sustainable Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and…

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Blog categories

All1. ACT for SOCIETY Centre (ALBANIA)AttendingsBoard of Directors2. Centre for Leisure Time Activities JUNIOR (SLOVAKIA)Common StatementsCooperations between our membersCouncil of Europe (CoE)3. CUBIC (AUSTRIA)ENYC's history in policy papers4. EURO-NET (ITALY)5. Filoxenia - Intercultural-Environmental Organisation (GREECE)6. Finnish Youth Centres Association (FINLAND)Future Meetings8. International youth center (BULGARIA)9. Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (GERMANY)Manuals & other ResourcesMission & Vision10. Mladinski Center Krško – Youth center Krško (SLOVENIA)News & Open Calls - ACT for SOCIETY Centre (Albania)News & Open Calls - Centre for LeisureTime Activities JUNIOR (Slovakia)News & Open Calls - CUBIC (Austria)News & Open Calls - EURO-NET (Italy)News & Open Calls - Filoxenia – Intercultural-Environmental Organisation (Greece)News & Open Calls - Finnish Youth Centres Association (Finland)News & Open Calls - Haus der offenen Tür – HoT Sinzig (Germany)News & Open Calls - International youth center (Bulgaria)News & Open Calls - Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (Germany)News & Open Calls - Mladinski Center Krško – Youth center Krško (Slovenia)News & Open Calls - Regional Youth Centre of Kosice (Slovakia)News & Open Calls - S & G – System and Generation Association (Turkey)News & Open Calls - St. Andrews family resource centre (Ireland)News & Open Calls - Youth Centre Villa Elba (Finland)Our MembersPast MeetingsPast Statute & RegulationProjects11. Regional Youth Centre of Kosice (SLOVAKIA)Resources from our members12. S&G – System and Generation Association (TURKEY)13. Shrewsbury House Youth and Community Centre (UK)14. St. Andrews family resource centre (IRELAND)Useful INFO15. Youth Centre Villa Elba (FINLAND)Youth Policies

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