1993 – The European Ministers responsible for Youth recommend that, DURING THE NEXT THREE YEARS, the creation of a European network of DECENTRALISED youth centres TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT.

4th Conference of European Ministers responsible for youth (Vienna, 13-15 April 1993) […] In her opening address, Mrs Lalumiere, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, […] appealed to the Ministers present to make an added financial effort in favour of youth policies, despite the difficult economic situation, since the task was a very important…

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August 1991 – the Governing Board of the EYC and the EYF recommended to the Committee of Ministers to promote the creation or the development of a NETWORK OF NATIONAL/REGIONAL YOUTH CENTRES (in the next 5 YEARS)

[…] The Governing Board […] recommends that the Committee of Ministers implement a global integrated and long-term training policy aiming to promote the development of democratic and pluralistic structures based on the participation of young europeans in the life of society and, to this end: […] 2. promotes the creation or the development of a…

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January 1991 – the Deputies broadened the scope of the feasibility study to include “means of extending training and co-operation in the youth field”.

In the final document of their 3rd Conference (Lisbon, 20-21 September 1990), the European Ministers responsible for Youth recommended the Committee of Ministers: “to charge the Governing Board of the EYC and EYF in collaboration with the CDEJ to carry out, on the basis of the fundamental principles of the Council of Europe’s youth policy,…

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“Instructor’s Guide for International Clubs” (Youth Centre Villa Elba – FINLAND).

This guide which is written in English language, contains information, ideas and tips for leading the International Club. The presented activities are suitable for youngsters aged 13 and older, but they can be adapted to suit other age groups as well. The instructor can adjust the materials according to the group participants’ ages and experiences. The…

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“The SKIM project” (Youth Centre Villa Elba – Finland)

This is a collection of outdoor activities with young people, organised by youth workers and school teachers. The SKIM project (Swedish-language competence center in environmental education) aimed to start and maintain collaboration between Swedish-language natural schools in Finland and thus establish a network that can offer help, knowledge and materials in Swedish in environmental education.…

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