“Instructor’s Guide for International Clubs” (Youth Centre Villa Elba – FINLAND).

This guide which is written in English language, contains information, ideas and tips for leading the International Club. The presented activities are suitable for youngsters aged 13 and older, but they can be adapted to suit other age groups as well. The instructor can adjust the materials according to the group participants’ ages and experiences.

The meetings can address one theme each, or one theme can be discussed in several meetings if needed. The instructor can also the assign homework to prepare for the next meeting. This guide describes examples, exercises and themes for different club sessions.

It is recommended to include icebreaker and team building games in each session. Some examples are mentioned in this guide and more games can be found in books and online.

The guide also gives suggestions of interesting places to visit. Choose
local and easily accessible destinations and get to know them and the organizations beforehand. If you can’t find suitable visiting places nearby, search for information online. It is also a good idea to invite people from organizations to visit club meetings or to contact local people who come from a different country or who have worked abroad and ask them to sharetheir experiences.

This guide is an English version from 2018, based on updated Finnish version 2015.

To read the entire guide, please access the link HERE.

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