“Instructor’s Guide for International Clubs” (Youth Centre Villa Elba – FINLAND).

This guide which is written in English language, contains information, ideas and tips for leading the International Club. The presented activities are suitable for youngsters aged 13 and older, but they can be adapted to suit other age groups as well. The instructor can adjust the materials according to the group participants’ ages and experiences. The…

“The SKIM project” (Youth Centre Villa Elba – Finland)

This is a collection of outdoor activities with young people, organised by youth workers and school teachers. The SKIM project (Swedish-language competence center in environmental education) aimed to start and maintain collaboration between Swedish-language natural schools in Finland and thus establish a network that can offer help, knowledge and materials in Swedish in environmental education.…

“Peace, Sustainable Justice and Institutions: Their impact on gender equality” (ACT for SOCIETY Centre – Albania)

This proceedings book was coordinated by Act for Society Centre (Albania) and is written in Albanian language. Titles: Gender Equality and Local Governance in the context of Sustainable Development, by Admir Hoxha, student MSH The Role of Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions in Strengthening Government-Business Cooperation – Academy, by Aida Lahi, doktorante, UT Security and…