
Recent news & event

“Instructor’s Guide for International Clubs” (Youth Centre Villa Elba – FINLAND).

This guide which is written in English language, contains information, ideas and tips for leading the International Club. The presented activities are suitable for youngsters aged 13 and older, but they can be adapted to suit other age groups as well. The instructor can adjust the materials according to the group participants’ ages and experiences. The…

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“The SKIM project” (Youth Centre Villa Elba – Finland)

This is a collection of outdoor activities with young people, organised by youth workers and school teachers. The SKIM project (Swedish-language competence center in environmental education) aimed to start and maintain collaboration between Swedish-language natural schools in Finland and thus establish a network that can offer help, knowledge and materials in Swedish in environmental education.…

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All1. ACT for SOCIETY Centre (ALBANIA)AttendingsBoard of Directors2. Centre for Leisure Time Activities JUNIOR (SLOVAKIA)Common StatementsCooperations between our membersCouncil of Europe (CoE)3. CUBIC (AUSTRIA)ENYC's history in policy papers4. EURO-NET (ITALY)5. Filoxenia - Intercultural-Environmental Organisation (GREECE)6. Finnish Youth Centres Association (FINLAND)Future Meetings8. International youth center (BULGARIA)9. Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (GERMANY)Manuals & other ResourcesMission & Vision10. Mladinski Center Krško – Youth center Krško (SLOVENIA)News & Open Calls - ACT for SOCIETY Centre (Albania)News & Open Calls - Centre for LeisureTime Activities JUNIOR (Slovakia)News & Open Calls - CUBIC (Austria)News & Open Calls - EURO-NET (Italy)News & Open Calls - Filoxenia – Intercultural-Environmental Organisation (Greece)News & Open Calls - Finnish Youth Centres Association (Finland)News & Open Calls - Haus der offenen Tür – HoT Sinzig (Germany)News & Open Calls - International youth center (Bulgaria)News & Open Calls - Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (Germany)News & Open Calls - Mladinski Center Krško – Youth center Krško (Slovenia)News & Open Calls - Regional Youth Centre of Kosice (Slovakia)News & Open Calls - S & G – System and Generation Association (Turkey)News & Open Calls - St. Andrews family resource centre (Ireland)News & Open Calls - Youth Centre Villa Elba (Finland)Our MembersPast MeetingsPast Statute & RegulationProjects11. Regional Youth Centre of Kosice (SLOVAKIA)Resources from our members12. S&G – System and Generation Association (TURKEY)13. Shrewsbury House Youth and Community Centre (UK)14. St. Andrews family resource centre (IRELAND)Useful INFO15. Youth Centre Villa Elba (FINLAND)Youth Policies

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