News & Open Calls – Centre for LeisureTime Activities JUNIOR: “Show your talent” – Program

Show your talent is a unique development program for young people. We created it especially for high school students.  Our intention was not to do a one-off training, but an intensive program. Therefore, it will last 6 months and will be up to 84 hours in total. This will enable students to get to know themselves,…

Our members

1. ACT for SOCIETY Centre (ALBANIA) 2. CUBIC (AUSTRIA) 3. Network of De Hoge Rielen & Destelheide (BELGIUM) 4. International Youth Center (BULGARIA) 5. Finnish Youth Centres (FINLAND) 6. Youth Centre Villa Elba (FINLAND) 7. Haus der offenen Tür – HoT Sinzig (GERMANY) 8. Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (GERMANY) 9. Filoxenia, Intercultural-Environment (GREECE) 10. EURO-NET (ITALY) 11.…