October 2019

About Mladinski Center Krško – Youth center Krško

Details of the member organisation / center Name: Youth center Krško Street address: Cesta krških žrtev 105 Postcode: 8270 City: Krško Region: Posavje Country: Slovenia Email: info@mc-krsko.si Website: www.mc-krsko.si Telephone: +38674882286 Telefax: +38674882283 Contact person Ms Mitja Valentinc Position/function: director Contact Email: mitja.valentinc@mc-krsko.si Contact Telephone: +38641637661 Profile of the member organisation/center Type of organisation: youth center Status of…

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About Finnish Youth Centres Association

Details of the member organisation / center Street address: Mikonkatu 8 A K145Postcode: 100City: HelsinkiRegion: UusimaaCountry: FinlandEmail: mari.puranen@snk.fi Website: www.snk.fiTelephone: +358 500 902330 Contact person Ms Mari PURANENPosition/function: coordinator of international affairsContact Email: mari.puranen@snk.fi Contact Telephone: +358 417301651 Profile of the member organisation/center Type of organisation: NGOStatus of organisation: non-governmentalActivity level of organisation: national Short description of organisation / center: Finnish Youth Centres…

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(Past) Statutes of the Réseau Européen de Centres de Jeunesse – European Network of Youth Centres

CHAPTER I: PURPOSE AND COMPOSITION Article 1 An association shall be created with the name “Réseau Européen de Centres de Jeunesse”. This association shall be set up in accordance with the French law of 1901 (régime des associations loi 1901).The registered office shall be at the following address: c/o Association MUSIKADOrue du 21 Juin 194443100…

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