Society with Multicultural Interactions and Learning of Each others was a project of ENYC network with the aim to show positive aspects or multicultural societies and fight against xenophobic behaviour.
Participation to this contest is FREE.
Participants have to be young people from Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Turkey (+), aged between 13 and 28 years old.
An eligible participant must be an individual and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
Period: 01.04.2012 – 16.09.2012.
Each participant can submit up to 2 posters proposals. Any poster submitted must be the participant’s own work.
- Drawing
- Painting
- Pencil
- Computer design
- Collage
- Photo montage
- Photo
- etc.
The poster should be sent online scanned or send by post to:
- for Greece: Koliatsou 112, Corinth 20100,
- for Italy: Euro-net – Vicolo Luigi Lavista, 3 – 85100 Potenza
- for Slovenia: CEZAM, Center za malde Ruše – Mariborska cesta 31 – 2342, Ruše
- for Slovakia: Centrum volneho casu – Regionalne centrum mladeze / Strojarska 3, 040 01 – 040 01 Košice
- for Turkey: S&G – System and Generation Association – Necatibey Caddesi 50 – Yıl İşhanı No:19/31 – 06430 Çankaya – Ankara
- for Armenia: Armenian Young Women’s Association – 37, Abovyan str., apt.9 – 0009 Yerevan
- for Bulgaria: MAJOR – 120/A G.S. Rakovski, ent. А, floor 2, flat 3 – 1505 Sofia
- for other countries:
What positive aspects does diversity bring in our society?
- Positive aspects of Cultural Diversity
- Antiracism
- Different people
- Living together
- Multicultural society
AGE: from 13 till 26 years old.
The participant must be the sole author and owner of the copyright. By entering your poster(s) into the competition, you grant to E.N.Y.C. network the non-commercial non-exclusive right to use your images for educational and promotional purposes. Moreover, winning posters will be used for the promotion of an intercultural event.
Posters are selected by a selection committee constituted 1 youngster & 1 youth worker per participating country. This committee is constituted by the Youth Centres members of ENYC Network.
- First prize: The winner will have his / her poster in A 2 size; another prize for the winner is a participation to a European youth meeting.
- Second prize: printing of postcard
The winners will be notified by email and displayed on the competition page.
Products of the contest
This project was supported by the European Youth Foundation – the Council of Europe.