“Peace, Sustainable Justice and Institutions: Their impact on gender equality” (ACT for SOCIETY Centre – Albania)

This proceedings book was coordinated by Act for Society Centre (Albania) and is written in Albanian language.


  • Gender Equality and Local Governance in the context of Sustainable Development, by Admir Hoxha, student MSH
  • The Role of Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions in Strengthening Government-Business Cooperation – Academy, by Aida Lahi, doktorante, UT
  • Security and Gender in International Relations, by Armela Pengili, doktorante, UT
  • The treatment of the image of Sevasti Qirazi in the context of the emancipation of the Albanian woman, by Bertina Salliu, studente MSH
  • Peace, justice, strong institutions and gender equality as factors for the development of society, by Brunilda Malkollari, studente MSH
  • Human rights in Europe and their protection. Non-discrimination as one of the basic principles in respect of fundamental rights and freedoms, by Dorian Leskoviku, doktorant, UT
  • United Nations Organization and its Impact on Gender Equality, by Marinela Bogdani, studente MSH
  • The importance of gender equality and its role as a factor of stability, by Oltian Gorezi, student MSH and Denada Seferi, studente MSH

To read the document, please access the link HERE

ISBN 978-99-284-5641-0

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