“New colonists on the moon” (2014)

EU Grant: 18.721 EUR

Applicant: Jeugd, Cultuur En Wetenschap Vzw (Non-ENYC member)

Partners from ENYC:



  • Start: 17-06-2014
  • End: 16-12-2014
  • Project Reference: 2014-1-BE05-KA105-000016
  • Programme: Erasmus+
  • Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
  • Action Type: Youth mobility

Venue: Belgium (Wijgmaal / Leuven)

Theme & Objectives: how to imagine a ‘new start situation’: what’s it like to leave everything behind and start all over? What do you like to keep of your own culture in a new one, what would you like to change and what are the things you can make a compromise on? Possibilities to manage a new environment where everybody can live happily and in harmony by discussing a lot of issues. These issues can be of any kind: type of justice, government, authority and safety; system of payment for work and labour-union; youth unemployment, healthy environment, developing a new national symbol, anthem, sports discipline.

The goal: to make the participants reflect on their own culture, to be open minded for other cultures, and to learn the values of solidarity, tolerance, cultural history, mutual understanding and responsibility as European citizen.

Duration: 8 days (4 till 13 August 2014)

Countries participating: Belgium (host), Georgia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Slovakia

Number of participants of each country: 5 participants + 1 group leader

Activities & Methods: Situation simulation – each delegation is stranded on the moon. We’ll have to stay there for a very long time, so it’s necessary to create a new community with its own rules. Which things of your own culture are a must to keep? For you / your country? Which things would you like to change and can you compromise with? How do you think to manage a new environment where everybody can live happily and in harmony? Through discussions, role playing games, experiences we will build a new colony on the moon, step by step!

For more details, please access the link HERE.

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