“In the World of Different Water Creatures” (Youth Centre Villa Elba – Finland)

In this booklet from 2017, which is written in Finnish language, young people will find the most common freshwater small creatures. They are drawn in a simplified way so that they can be cut off and glued on, for example, in a large poster or booklet.

Investigating underwater life does not require expensive equipment and young people really do not need to be biologists. By studying small invertebrate animals, they experience the biodiversity and joy of discovery in a concrete way, learn the basics of species knowledge, and strengthen their perception on nature.

The authors wrote a simple checklist of elements to keep in mind when researching aquatic small creatures together with children and young people. In the booklet one will also find instructions for a fun genre play and lyrics. With play,one learns to recognize the most common species and in songs, learns about insect physique. The reader will also find a research form at the end of the material.

To see the entire booklet, please access the link HERE.

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