The General Assembly of the European Network of Youth Centres 2017 took place in the Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (JUBI) in Würzburg, Germany, from Monday 16th till Wednesday 18th of January 2017.
The representatives of the GA have been welcomed by the director of JUBI Mr Stefan Lutz-Simon.
The European Network of Youth Centres is founded on principles of the Council of Europe, such as equal opportunity and inclusion, lifelong learning, innovation and high operating standards.
14 Representatives of the following member organisations working in international youth work and education sector came from all over Europe to participate in ENYC’s annual meeting:
- Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (Germany),
- Haus der offenen Tür (HoT) (Germany),
- System and Generation (Turkey),
- Filoxenia (Greece),
- Villa Elba (Finland),
- Finnish Youth Centres Association (Finland),
- Mladinski Center Krško (Slovenia),
- CVC Kosice (Slovakia),
- CVC Junior Banska Bystrica (Slovakia),
- International youth center (Bulgaria),
- Euro-Net (Italy),
- Armenian Young Women’s Association Yerevan (Armenia),
- Támaszpont Foundation for Mental Health Education and Prevention (Hungary).
The assembly has welcomed the following organisations as associate members:
- ACT for SOCIETY Centre (Albania),
- CUBIC (Austria),
- International Youth Centre Stara Zagora (Bulgaria),
- St Andrews family resource centre (Ireland).
All new organisations had the chance to present their work experience to the ENYC members.
ENYC’s annual Assembly elected Mr. Mitja Valentinc (Slovenia) in the board of directors for the vacant seat of Katarina Ceglar. The ENYC board of directos for the period 2016-2018 is now consisted as follows:
- President: Heli Lehto (FIN),
- Vice President: Nadya Marinova (BG),
- Secretary General: Erika Munkova (SK),
- Treasurer: Panos Poulos (GR),
- Board member: Gurkan Akcaer (Turkey),
- Board member: Gabriela Kynclova (CZ),
- Board member: Mitja Valentinc (SI).
As every year, this meeting offered the occasion for all participants to evaluate ENYC’s activities of 2016, to plan new common activities for 2017, to welcome newcomers and present them ENYC’s values, strategy, ideology, activities and vision.
The working groups of experts could evaluate their work of the previous year and are regrouped as follows:
- Public Relations
- Policy
- Membership
The groups had a good opportunity to evaluate the progress, to discuss ENYC’s development, to brainstorm and plan ENYC’s strategy for the years 2017-2018.
Besides work, the participants had the chance to visit the city of Würzburg.
ENYC Network wishes a very fruitful year 2017, a good cooperation between partners, new projects involving many young people and welcomes the new associate members.

European Network of Youth Centres
General Assembly 2017
Venue of GA : Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken
Berner Str. 14, 97084 Würzburg, Germany
Dates of GA: 16. – 18. January 2017
Arrival day: 16.01.17
Departure day: 18.01.17
Travel expenses, board and lodging:
The European Network of Youth Centres will cover the travel expenses for one representative
per each ENYC full member-organisation. The limit for travel expenses is 400 € max.
Additional participants, if any, should cover the costs by their own expenses.
The European Network of Youth Centres will cover the hosting costs (meals & accommodation)
for one representative per each ENYC full member-organisation.
Newcomers are invited to attend ENYC’s General Assembly on their own expenses.
We booked already the accommodation in advance (double rooms).
In case somebody wishes a single room, has to pay the difference on price (11 € per night).
Please inform us, in the registration form.
The prices are the following:
Price per person,
per night Single room Double room
Only 1 night € 58,00 € 47,00
From 2 nights € 53,00 € 42,00
The price includes: accommodation, breakfast, lunch, diner, 1 coffee break, seminar room with technical equipment.
How to get to the Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken
From abroad to Würzburg:
Flight to Frankfurt International
Take the train from Frankfurt Airport (Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbahnhof) to Würzburg
Main Station (Würzburg Hbf). It takes around 1,5 hours with a fast train (ICE).
You can check your connection here:
Attention! The airport Frankfurt Hahn is far away from Frankfurt (you need to take
a bus to Frankfurt, which takes about 2-3 hours) and then take a train to Würzburg.
This is why we do not recommend it.
Flight to Nuremberg
You can also check a flight to Nürnberg (Nuremberg).
The airport is also around 1,5 hours from Würzburg.
Bus/train to Würzburg
You can also check, if there are direct trains or buses to Würzburg, for example: or
From the railway station in Würzburg to the Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken:
In front of the railway station (Würzburg Hauptbahnhof) you should take a Tram number 3
(direction: Heuchelhof) or number 5 (direction: Rottenbauer) untill the tram stop Wiener Ring.
The tram ride takes around 20-30 minutes.
From Wiener Ring you should walk around 5-7 minutes to the Berner Str. 14.
There are signs like that:
Sometimes if you buy a train ticket for ICE train (normally on Internet) you get Würzburg City which allows you to take a tram in the city to get to your destination. If you do not have this option, you can buy a tram ticket in an ticket automate at the tram stop (single ticket costs around 2,60 €).
We are expecting a representative of each member organisation with valid mandate. If the legal
representative of the member organisation cannot take part, then is necessary to send a scaned
copy of mandate signed by legal representative. The form of mandate is attached.
Monday, 16.01.2017
Arrivals of participants
Welcome, accommodation
ENYC-Board of Directors meeting to check all the materials, documents for the GA
16:30 Meeting of the Board with new-comers
18:00 Dinner in the Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken
20:00 Informal evening
Tuesday, 17.01.2017
7:30 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:30 – 16:00 General assembly (lunch in the Jugendbildungsstätte at 12:30)
Agenda of General Assembly
9:30 – 10:30 Opening of the GA
Welcome of members by the representative of JUBI
Checking the quorum of members for decisions
Election of one new Board member
10:30 -11:15 Activity report & financial report 2016, activity plan & financial plan 2017
11:15 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 Presentation of 5 new-comers
– CUBIC – Cultur & Bildung im Context, Tirol , Austria
– International Youth Centre (IYC) for children at youth at risk,
Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
– Varna – European Youth Capital Association, Bulgaria
– ACT for SOCIETY Center, Tirana, Albania
– St. Andrews family resource centre, Dublin, Ireland
12:30 -13:30 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Workshops :
– PR of ENYC
– Policy
– Membership
16:00 Closing of the GA
16:30 – 19:00 Let´s go to visit Würzburg
20:00 Dinner
Party: Theme – Glitz and glamour
Wednesday, 18.01.2017
7:30 – 9:00 Breakfast
Departures of participants
For any further questions, please contact ENYC’s General Secretary, Mrs Erika Munkova
Regional Youth Centre Košice,
Strojárska 3, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
Yours sincerely
Mrs Heli Lehto
President of the European Network of Youth Centres