The General Assembly of the European Network of Youth Centres 2016 took place in the European Youth Centre in Budapest from Thursday 28th of January till Saturday 30 of January 2016.
The European Network of Youth Centres is founded on principles of the Council of Europe, such as equal opportunity and inclusion, lifelong learning, innovation and high operating standards.
17 Representatives of the following member organisations working in international youth work and education sector came from all over Europe to participate in ENYC’s annual meeting:
- “System and Generation” (Turkey),
- “Filoxenia” (Greece),
- “Villa Elba” (Finland),
- “Finnish Youth Centres Association” (Finland),
- “Mladinski Center Krško” (Slovenia),
- “CVC Kosice” (Slovakia),
- “CVC Junior” – Baska Bystrica (Slovakia),
- “Casa da Juventude” (Portugal),
- “Major Network” (Bulgaria),
- “Euro-Net” (Italy),
- “Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken” (Germany),
- Armenian Young Women’s Association – Yerevan (Armenia),
- “National Institute for Further Education- NIDV” (Czech Republic).
The assembly welcomed also the following new members:
- Timis County Youth Foundation – FITT (Romania),
- Támaszpont Foundation for Mental Health Education and Prevention (Hungary).
The representative of the Turkish Youth Ministry (Ankara) Ihsan Karagol attended also the meeting and presented the new governmental policy for Turkish youth centres.
The representative of the “European Youth Capitals Network” Carlos de Sousa Santos (Braga – Portugal) was invited to present the Network, its objectives and work. A mutual cooperation between both European Networks is very welcome for the future.
Both guests had the chance to exchange their work experience with the ENYC members.
As every year, this meeting offered the occasion for all participants to evaluate ENYC’s activities 2015, to plan new common activities for 2016, to welcome newcomers and present them ENYC’s values, ideology, strategy, activities and vision.
The GA-meeting invited the director of the European Youth Centre Budapest Dr. Olaf Köndgen to present EYCB’s work and mission. Mr. Peter Zelenka from the EYCB Secretariat was also present.
After the introduction, the initiative work groups, that have been created last year’s GA in Armenia started working in the following fields:
- Evaluation how to measure both quantity and quality
- Development of administration, website
- Expansion of members’ number
- Policy, strategic partnership, entrepreneurship, Erasmus+
It has been a good opportunity to evaluate the progress of the groups, to discuss ENYC’s development, to brainstorm and deepen into the priorities and objectives of European Union’s programme “ERASMUS+ and Council of Europe’s youth policies and programmes.
A fruitful meeting with the director of EYCB Dr. Olaf Köndgen concerning cooperation with the Council of Europe was also in the agenda.
ENYC’s annual Assembly elected at the end the new board of directors of ENYC for the period 2016-2018 as follows:
- President: Heli Lehto (FIN),
- Vice President: Nadya Marinova (BG),
- Secretary General: Erika Munkova (SK),
- Treasurer: Panos Poulos (GR),
- Board member: Gurkan Akcaer (Turkey),
- Board member: Katarina Ceglar (SI),
- Board member: Gabriela Kynclova (CZ).
Besides work, the participants had the chance to visit cultural sites of the city of Budapest and taste traditional food in one Hungarian typical restaurant.