General Assembly of ENYC 2015 took place in Yerevan-Armenia, hosted by the Armenian Young Women’s Association (AYWA) on 23.01.-24.01.2015.
Representatives of the following member organisations working in international youth work and education sector came from all over Europe to participate in ENYC’s annual meeting:
- Filoxenia (Greece),
- Villa Elba (Finland),
- Finnish Youth Centres Association (Finland),
- CVC Kosice (Slovakia),
- CVC Junior (Baska Bystrica -Slovakia),
- Maison des Jeunes Issoire (France),
- Casa da Juventude (Portugal),
- Major Network (Bulgaria),
- EURO-NET (Italy),
- Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (Germany),
- National Institute for Further Education- NIDV (Czech Republic).
The assembly has welcomed the following new members:
- Youth Centre KRŠKO (Slovenia),
- Momentum World (United Kingdom),
- Haus der offenen Tür Sinzig (Germany),
- Association of Estonian Open Youth Centres (Estonia).
They had the chance to present their work experience on the intended objectives of this meeting.
As every year, this meeting was the occasion for all to evaluate ENYC’s activities 2014, to plan new and common activities for 2015, to welcome newcomers and present them ENYC’s values, ideology, strategy, activities and vision.
The theme for ENYC Network’s activities for the year 2015 is “Equal opportunities – Equity”.
The first day of the meeting was dedicated in working groups and 2 Board of Directors’ meetings, It has been a good opportunity for exchange of best practices, presentation and suggestions on ENYC’s development, brainstorming and deepening in the priorities and objectives of European Union’s programme “ERASMUS+ as well, especially in its Key-Actions 2 and 3 and the planing of new possibilities for the Network.
The second day was dedicated to ENYC’s annual Assembly and the visit to AYWA’s headquarters in Yerevan.
Besides work, we had the chance to know more about Armenia visiting some cultural sites (Ejmiatsin Cathedral, located in the city of Vagharshapat, the Matenadaran Manusscript Museum and the Armenian Genocide’s Memorial). We met welcoming people in Armenia, listened traditional music and tasted very special traditional food.