“Activation Policy and Youth Employment: competences in our hands” (2015)

EU Grant: 10.015 EUR


Partners from ENYC:





  • Start: 01-02-2015
  • End: 01-07-2015
  • Project Reference: 2014-3-SK02-KA105-000374
  • Programme: Erasmus+
  • Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
  • Action Type: Youth mobility

The project Activation Policy and Youth Employment: competences in our hands was a training course aimed to develop skills and competencies of the participants, in order to facilitate their easier access to the Labour Market.

Why we decided for this project: Youth unemployment is a common phenomenon of European Union countries. Most of the current strategies and policies set at national or European level attach importance on measures and instruments in the field of youth employment, linked to education both formal and non formal, taken to activation policies to promote youth employment.Youth work in the frame of non-formal education can also be one of the tools of improving the preparation of young people to access the labor market.

Aim of the project: to offer to young unemployed people (or multipliers) the opportunity to improve/acquire skills and competences useful to entering the Labour Market. Two essential elements of this learning process have been the multicultural context and the methods based on the principles of non-formal education.


  • To rise young people’s awareness of the value and importance of non-formal education, intercultural learning and other alternative / innovative teaching methods in the development of key competencies, skills and abilities in the labor market.
  • To increase the participants’ self-esteem in order to make them able to face optimistically the challenging future commitments in the Labour Market and look to the future optimistically, despite the difficult economic conditions
  • To develop skills and enable participants to better understand the mechanisms of the labor market at national and European level
  • Ability to compare the different situation in the partner countries from the perspective of participants
  • To increase the sensitivity of the participants towards discrimination at work place
  • To promote intercultural learning and non-formal education as a real added value to the employability of young people;
  • Allows participants to learn the methodology and tools to facilitate their access to employment and financial independence, which is necessary for their personal and social development;

The training will take place in Slovakia, with the number of 25 participants. The project will involved 8 partner organizations from 7 countries: Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, United Kingdom and Slovakia.

The participants are youth workers and young people who have experience as job seekers and unemployed young people, youth leaders and youth workers from partner organizations who are dealing with the implementation of youth policy in their own context .

The training methods have been based on the principles of non-formal education. We worked with methods such as work in small group, role play, mind maps, workshops, creative work with (the) business (elements of) planning, team-building games, case studies. Some sessions of the training have been focused among others on topics and activities such as: Youth and job; – informal education and employment, Mind the gap: vocational training system between Education and Labour Market,Entrepreneur spirit; ? entrepreneurship and Project Management?, Market Labour and Activation Policies, Shadows and lights; – projects elaboarted by participants

We expected that the training course :

  • Promotes active citizenship among young people, European citizenship participants through their discussions, sharing ideas and experiences, understanding the mechanisms of the labor market in other countries, and awareness of the crucial role they play as citizens
  • Contributes to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities in organizations operating in the field mláde?e- project will facilitate the exchange of best practice between partners and between the participants themselves.
  • Makes understand the added value of non formal education and soft skills for the future inclusion of young people in the Labour Market .
  • To facilitate the understanding of the meaning and functioning of the Activation policies, activate the young people themselves, seeking opportunities to change the current alarming state
  • Familiarize themselves with the employment policies at the European level, manner and support measures specifically addressed to young people’s access to the labor market
  • Explore opportunities to gain access to local institutions providing services and support in finding employment at local and national level

For more details, please access the link HERE.

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