EACEA/26/12 – Action 4.1 Support for bodies active at European level in the field of youth (annual operating grants). Reference number: 536928 (RESEAU EUROPEEN DE CENTRES DE JEUNESSE).
EU Grant: 35.000 EUR
- A1. ENYC’s youth-web radio
- A.2 E-living library of cultures
- A3. Creativity & Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- A4. Youth exchanges & voluntary services

ENYC’s Youth – Interconnect yourselves
- Support Youth Participation,
- INITIATIE Youth Exchange,
- Act locally, think ENYCly!
- Put in contact youth groups from different countries with similar interests;
- Initiate Youth Initiative and / or Youth exchanges between some of those groups;
- Support Youth centres members of ENYC to develop and implement youth exchange & youth initiatives.
- STEP 1 – LOCAL INFORMATION SESSIONS: Present to youth groups possibilities for active participation: Youth exchanges and Youth initiatives (“Youth in Action” program).
- STEP 2 – INTERCONNECT: Put in touch youth groups from different ENYC countries with similar interests.
- STEP 3 – PROJECT DESIGN (optional): The groups who wishes will have the possibility to design and apply for a Youth Initiative or Youth Exchange project.
The ENYC Mobility Operational Office can support the procedure (writing the application in English).
The idea is to meet both youth’s needs and youth centres’ needs:

Living library of cultures
A living e-book is a person, who represents his/her culture (including migrants & minorities). E-readers from ENYC organisations will interact with this person through chat or skype, at a scheduled day & time.
- Break down stereotypes about other cultures in an interactive way.
- Create channels of communication between European youth.
- Promote ENYC countries’ cultures & mutual understanding.
- Put light on minorities and migrants living in the youth centre’s area.
- Increase awareness about the e-living books’ own identity and culture.
Rules for readers of the E-living library:
What to do?It is expected that all the E-living books, who are being lent out, will be returned in the same condition they were in, at the time of check out. Treat the borrowed E-book with respect! You are encouraged to ask “stupid” questions and argue for your own point of view. But always with respect for the person, who volunteers as a loan object. The E-Living Book can choose to return to E-Living Library if he/she feels that they are not treated properly.
What are you supposed to do together?For example: You can start off by sharing a little bit about yourself and feel free to ask questions about the borrowed books life, culture and values. Don’t be shy. If you have any difficulties during your “E-Reading period”, please contact coordinator of the E-Living Library: ENYC Mobility Office Skype account: enyc-network
E-living library, 10.12.2013 (Human Rights Day).
Duration: 3 hours /between 16:00 and 19:00 (EET), participating countries/organisations:
1. “FILOXENIA” Centre for Intercultural Youth Exchange Programmes, Greece
2. CVC- Regional Youth Center Kosice, Slovakia
3. System & Generation, Turkey
4. Casa da Juventude Amarante, Portugal
5. M.O.O. ENYC, Greece
Summary of participants:15 + 2 coordinators (1 in Slovakia, 1 in Greece)
E-books: 12
E-readers: 3+
How many stories were exchanged: around 25
E-Living Library Books:
- TURKEY: My name is Vasiliki Stavroglou. I studied teacher of kinder garden at University of Athens. I started involving in Youth in Action programs because as a teacher and working with children, I felt the responsibility of educate children. I wanted to increase my knowledge about other cultures, to be more open-minded and increase my tolerance at differences. I am EVS volunteer in Ankara, at System and Generation Association. I am working in a youth association informing youngsters about the opportunities of EU programs. For many people it could be challenge as a Greek to come and live in Turkey. But me I never made negative thoughts about our common history. I never faced discrimination about my nationality. On the other hand I faced the Turkish hospitality as komsu(neighbor). Its amazing to discover our common cultural habits, day by day. I am sharing my story because I would like to motivate as many youngsters I can to involve in Youth In Action programs and take the advantages of them. As we live in a Multicultural Communities, we have to fortify ourselves with tolerance to promote peaceful societies!
- TURKEY:My name is Mustafa Enes Karaca, I am 23 years old, from Ankara, Turkey. I am studying Economics at Hacattepe Ankara University. I work as a translator of English language. I have experience as a lifeguard and I was awarded as a lifeguard of the year 2013 in NJ.
- SLOVAKIA:My name is Juraj Vig , 19 years old.Slovak, student of graphic design, photo, video and painting. My hobbies are esoterica and magic. I am also activist in the area of LGBTI.
- SLOVAKIA: Hi, my name is Jan, I am from Slovakia. I live in Nitra. I like Jazz music, I play guitar.
- GREECE: Hello, my name is George Fryganas, I am fifteen years old, I am playing tennis for five years. I like watching American TV-series or hanging out with friends :’)
- GREECE: Hi, my name is Dimitris, I am from Ukraine. Last 12 years I am living in Greece. My hobbies are Art & traveling. I like to dance waltz.
- MOLDOVA: Hello, I am Jenny from Moldova. I live 7 years in Greece. I am very open person. I like music, dogs, traveling and cooking. I feel very close to Greek culture.
- GREECE: Hi, my name is Ahmed. When I was 18 years old I came from my home country Bangladesh to live in Greece. I like Pop music, dance.
- GREECE: My name is Panagiotis!I am Greek, 16 years old! My life is music!I play piano,violin and flute!I like to sing as well. I love foreign languages and literature books especially fantasy novels!
- PORTUGAL: Hi, I am Elsa,I am Greek living 6 month in Portugal.
- PORTUGAL: Hi, my name is Bori, I am from Hungary but I am living in Portugal.
- DENMARK: Hello, I am Michael from Denmark. At the moment I am living in Portugal, in Amarante.
Creativity & Innovation & Entrepreneurship
1). Training Course on creativity, entrepreneurship and inclusion.
Target group was youth workers working with youth with few opportunities, who learned & exchange on:
- how to help developing youngsters creativity and entrepreneurship skills;
- pilot ways of inclusion of youth with few opportunities in local & intercultural projects.
This Training Course (Bulgaria 2013) helped youth workers in their work with youth with less opportunities in general & prepare them for follow up initiative project “Creativity Club”.
- develop youth worker’s abilities to reach, motivate & support youth with few opportunities
- boost youth worker’s creativity & teach them creative thinking methods
- reflect on youth learning needs & on how to link youth initiative & entrepreneurship competences,
- teach youth workers new ways of non-formal learning self-assessments,
- increase inclusion of youth with less opportunities in youth projects,
- increase the quantity & quality of youth initiative projects with youth with less opportunities.
Creativity clubs are local workshops that developed young people’s creativity/initiative spirit, lead by youth workers trained in the Training course on creativity, entrepreneurship and inclusion in Bulgaria 2013. The main aim was to unlock young people’s creativity and develop youth “alternative” skills. Young people worked in mixed groups with different profiles involving young people with less opportunities. This workshop encouraged youth initiative spirit.
- Creativity workshops in Greece
Around 30 youngsters and pupils participated during one month period in art workshops in Greece, which helped to develop their creativity and “alternative” skills.
This workshop encourage young people to co-operate together, respect others ideas and promoted initiative spirit. During this workshops we used also methods of convergent and divergent thinking that are two types of human response to a set problem that were identified by J. P. Guilford. By practising of problem solution, we have shown youngsters how to solve problems in creative way. Young people were actively involved and took their initiative, worked individually and in the groups.
They created new creations by using their fantasy, ideas, based on stimulation during the creativity exercises. In the preparation phase they participated in the creativity exercises, they created new realities, stories. During this preparation they got new visions, new points of looking to the things, realities, new forms of communication based on new words, new language. Based on this preparation they continue in the second phase which was practical and they use craft with different techniques to illustrate their ideas. This workshop was very interesting for youngsters, they were very exited. This workshops open their minds and helped them to overcome their borders and show them how to be creative in different areas in their life’s. In the end of the workshops they presented their results to the public in open exhibition. We will develop this creativity workshops in the future.
- Creativity workshops in Greece in Slovakia
3). Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Global Brainstorming – Take the next step – Athens NOV 2013. The Global brainstorming, during GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK (12-19 nov) was hosted in Athens, Greece by Celia Gates.

List of articles in Greek language from Startup.gr (an information, knowledge and communication platform on trends and news about domestic and international entrepreneurship, innovation and development. Its goal is to inspire ideas, inform and promote dynamic synergies between businesses across all disciplines, evolving the business mindset):
- “Tips to get your business to the top of Google search” (21.11.2013)
- “Business Round – New development service for small / medium-sized businesses & entrepreneurs” (21.11.2013)
- “How the way companies operate will change” (21.11.2013)
- “SFE INNOVATION PROJECT with 10 qualifiers in the final phase of the competition!” (21.11.2013)
- “Paris comes first in the QS Best Student Cities International Ranking 2013-2014” (21.11.2013)
- “Twelve-year-old Thessaloniki “phenomenon” starts working with Google” (22.11.2013)
- “What Dimitris Kalavros told us about COSMOTE StartUp” (22.11.2013)
- “What do you think of the next issue of Open Coffee Athens for Friday 29/11?” (22.11.2013)
- “Horizon 2020 – the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation” (22.11.2013)
- “Job interview; Do not be stressed!” (22.11.2013)
- “Rising Ideas – Pitching Event: presenting qualified teams” (22.11.2013)
- “The goodwill of the community” (22.11.2013)
Youth exchanges
1). Youth Exchange in Slovakia: EVERYONE UNDER ONE SKY
The Youth Exchange on the subject astronomy and the title ‘’Everyone under one sky’’, took place in the historic city of Medzev of the eastern Slovakia from 23th until 31th of August 2013 and participated 25 young people from five European countries (Greece, Slovenia, Slovakia, Belgium, Finland).

2). Youth exchange “JAM ALL” (Finland)
“Jam All” youth exchange held in Kokkola (Finland) brought together 50 youngsters between 15-20 years old from five countries: Finland, Italy, Greece, Ireland and Spain.
Young people coming from different cultures and backgrounds but with a common interest, connected through the global language of music.
“Jam All” gave a chance to young people to feel the connection with other youngsters, learned from each other and from different cultures, from different musical styles and gave opportunity to build a band in just one week.
During the exchange the participants practiced together with other musicians in mixed groups, with different musical backgrounds, music such as: Rock-Blues-Rap-Pop etc…
The participants of the “Jam All” rehearsed a multicultural happening, event to local youngsters. This event was held on the last day of the exchange together with bands and local musicians in front of the local youngsters. The performance gave a fresh multicultural spirit to the other performances held in Kokkola.
During this time, young people worked on teamwork, persistence, on planning and practicing together. Young Greek participants hopes that one day they will live again this unforgettable experience.
3). Youth exchange “Μusic without frontiers” (Greece)
The European youth exchange named “Music without frontiers” took successfully place in Kryoneri Korinthias and its results have been presented during the final concert, that took place in the Kryoneri open air amphitheater, on Friday, 5 July 2013. This event opened also the “Cultural Week of Kryoneri 2013”.
Young musicians from Italy, Slovakia, Finland and Greece, including young immigrants from Africa and Latin America, have presented a unique programme, thrilled the audience of all ages, who actively participated and enjoyed the concert, with European traditional and modern sounds and African drums. The multilingual musical programme was produced during the 9-days of the youth exchange project.
This activity was held in Kryoneri from 28.6. till 6.07.2013 under the responsibility go the NGO “FILOXENIA”, in the framework of the European programme “Youth in Action”, supported by the European Commission through the Greek National Agency INEDIVIM.
The theme of the exchange was the fight against racism and xenophobia, the elimination of stereotypes about other people and the social integration of young people through music.
Besides the interactive music workshops, young participants visited the Environmental Museum of Stymfalia, the museum and the theater of Ancient Sikyon, the ancient castle Acrocorinth, the Canal of Corinth and the beautiful beach of Kiato.
The contact with the local community was very meaningful. The young people of Kryoneri and Kiato participated actively, embracing their guests.
This experience laid the basis for further music projects in Greece and abroad.
4). Youth Exchange “CULTURALITY” (Slovakia)
It was a freezing Sunday morning. The cold contrasted our energy for a new experience as we were getting closer to the Kosice’s train station. When the train stopped , Mike opened the door and Kosice’s fresh air dominated our lungs. We all disembarked with our suitcases towards the exit. We were hungry after our long trip but fortunately there was a tavern close to the exit which was full of Slovakian snacks. Once we were satisfied we started to worry about where Milos was. «Kyriakos ,where is he?», Nikos asked. «I just spoke with Erica and she said that Milos is on his way.» The kids got out of the station and you could see it in their eyes the excitement for the view. As we were observing beautiful Kosice, a tall young man came by our side and he asked us if we were the Greek group. We answered yes, and he asked us to follow him to a mini van. Thirty minutes later we reached our destination. A long building surrounded by trees was waiting to accommodate us. Milos explained that this building is a school of nature whose fuction is to accommodate people of European programs. The day flowed peacefully. It was a great time to rest from our 24hour trip. The Slovak group arrived just before lunch. The hour was almost 10 am and suddenly the main door opened and five girls full of energy were running around the building. It was the Finnish group . The next morning we woke up with at least one roommate. At 4am the Spanish and Italian groups had arrived. Each group had five teenagers and one leader . All the leaders were under the age of 30.
Monday 26th of August: After a hearty breakfast we began our first activities. We played different types of games which helped us learn each other’s names quickly. First we all made a circle. Each person had to say their name and one adjective to describe their personality that began with the same letter of their name. The next person had to remember all the previous names. Then we all took a piece of paper and we wrote our names. Milos turned on the music and we exchanged our papers till the music stopped. Each person had someone else’s paper .We had to find the person and draw their nose. After the music started again and the same thing with other characteristics of each person until the portrait was finish. So then every portrait had a touch of everyone. Lunch time came and we all had the chance to get to know each other better as we were eating tasty Slovakian food. At 3pm, we continue the activities related to our names until 6pm. We all found the activities very interesting. At 6 o’clock was dinner time . We considered that time a bit weird and early because in Greece we eat dinner at 9 -10pm but we could get used to it. At night we could do whatever we wanted. We were all in the main lobby and had a great time as we were learning things about the other countries .
Tuesday 27th of August:In the morning Milos spoke to us about the main project that we had until the end of the week to finish it. He separated us in 6 mixed groups. Every team had to conceptualize a story .Three teams had to film the story and the other three teams had to present us their story through photos from a classic fairytale but every team had to include their culture within their stories. With more details, each story had to have a main character from a classic fairytale . The teammates had to take this character in today’s world, they had to change him at all and put him in a minority and make a little story around him . Each national group were presenting minorities in its country. In many countries minorities were the same, like immigration ,poor-homeless ,Gipsy, drug addicts. We finished at 1:30 pm and we ate lunch. After a small brake ,mixed groups had to start their projects. The group leaders were there only if the teenager asked for assistance. The time was six in the afternoon. After dinner we had free time until 9 in the evening when the Slovakian cultural evening would take place. They presented us short films and dances, their beautiful country with their remarkable castles. At the end of their presentation they had a buffet with traditional snacks. Our enthusiasm for the Slovak presentation matched with our satisfied stomach.
Wednesday 28th of August:The next morning we prepared for a day trip to Kosice. We had free time till the afternoon and we were admiring the memorable city with its perfect architecture. Also it was a good time for the mixed groups to take photos of the town and use it to their projects. We went back to Kysac at 7pm. We ate dinner and we began the preparations for Finnish cultural evening. Presented decently and representative of the country’s videos, photos, music and dance performances in which all the people joined and we danced all together. In the end ,everyone had the chance to taste traditional foods.
Thursday 29th of August:In the morning Milos separated the children into five new mixed teams. Afterwards he showed us photos with five different types of people from different parts of the world. The goal of each team was to analize one of these people and prepare a little story and present it to the other groups in a short theatrical performance. Children managed to present 5 fantastic theatrical performances with only 1 hour of preparation and with much improvisation. When we finished this whole activity, lunch time came. After lunch children had to time to work accordingly on the final project that the mixed groups had done. After dinner, the Italian and Spanish groups were ready to present us their cultures. The videos that they chose were greater than the other evenings. Also they taught us traditional dances and we all joined in. Of course they had buffet with foods from both countries.
Friday 30th of August:We started early for the second trip to Kosice. This time we stayed more in the city until the evening. When we arrived we had a tour of the city by historical tram which we toured around the city. Furthermore we went to a mining museum which we stayed for at least 2 hours. After that Milos lead us to a beautiful restaurant in the center of the town and were offered tasty food. We ate and then we went to a casual coffee bar because it was raining. When the weather was better, most of the national groups went to the Bell Tower of the central church where the view was incredible. We were free to do anything we wanted till 11pm, and we had to meet each other at the bus that brought us here. So we managed to see a Friday night in Kosice which was full of life!
Saturday 31th of August: The morning was peaceful. We made a circle and had a conversation and each person shared their opinion of the week. Milos also gave us a ball of string, as someone was holding the ball, he had to share his feelings about the week with everyone. After that he had to throw the ball to someone else who they could choose and the thrower kept a part of the string. «This is the network that connects our feelings» Milos said. «This is the network that someone can remember and never forget it. If we save it in our memory it will stay forever and the distances will be not an obstacle in our relationship.» Everyone was touched as we realized that we had so much fun and that our experience had finished that night…Some children cried and some others tried to stay positive. Milos said «Come on, compose yourselves. We have this day to rest and you don’t forget that at night you have to present your project and have a party!» When we heard the project subject we composed ourselves immediately because we hadn’t finished our work. This came over peaceful and lovely but every now and then we were sad about our departure. «Are you leaving today?» my Italian roommate Juliano aksed. «Unfortunately, our flight is from Vienna on Sunday morning , so we have to leave today.» I answered. «That’s a shame…I think that you were the heart and soul of this group. Nothing would be the same without your group. Also, you will not be able to stay at the party…» «All the teenagers were perfect . All of us we were kind-hearted to the rest of the groups. Some more than others but we can’t all be the same . We are leaving at 11pm so I think that we could stay at the party for a while.» The presentation started at 7pm. All the projects were beautiful! Some of them better but they were all interesting. Children knew what they had to do. After our project, Milos showed us a video that he put together during this awesome week ,as a result we all got emotional. At the same time the party got started. We were dancing ,singing and for a while we made our own little magic world which was ready to explode into a million feelings that were travelling in the atmosphere . Suddenly the time to depart came like the death. All the children were outside to bid us farewell in a fascinating way. The same van which brought us came to pick us up and we went to the Kosice’s station. Ιn a short time we reached the platform that we were left at the previous week. The train was there and it was waiting for us and we reluctantly boarded.
5). Youth exchange Sports 4 All (Greece)
Exchange methods, and develop new ideas using sports as a tool for social inclusion of different target group, this is in a nutshell the project “Sports for All – Sports for Social Inclusion”. This project was developped from September 2011 till July 2013 by 5 European organisation from France, Italy, Spain, Slovakia and Greece. The Slovak partner was the Youth Center of Kosice and the Greek partner was the Youth Center – Youth Support Organisation Filoxenia, both members of ENYC. Aims of this project: Showing educational values of sports in the society: helping people throught sports practices to become active citizens. Sport is a mirror of the society: it reveals the reality of tolerance, of sharing, of solidarity, of common welfare, of understanding the other.
- Sharing good practices in sports in differents countries and social groups.
- Insisting on participation: changing the unique gold medal for a gift for eveyone.
- Making popular physical activities whithout any risk for your health.
One of the results of the project “Sports for All – Sports for Social Inclusion” wass the realisation of the Youth Exchange “Sports 4 All” by our organisation “Filoxenia”.
“Sports 4 All” was a Youth Exchange organized by Filoxenia, during the period 2.09.2013-10.09.2013 in Kryoneri (Greece) for young people from different European countries. The central idea of “Sports 4 all” was to promote the Olympic ideal, that sport is a human right for all individuals, regardless of race, social class and sex. The ancient Olympic Games were a religious and athletic festival held every four years at the sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia here in Greece. During the games, all conflicts among the participating city-states were stopped until the games were finished.
The project idea was to connect different cultures and social backgrounds through sport and outdoor activities. The main objectives of this youth exchange were to promote healthy lifestyle among youngsters, to develop their self respect and respect for others and their interest for cultural diversity. During this Exchange was important to motivate young people to be active in their lives, to make them understand that regular physical activity helps to maintain a healthy body and to promote equality and tolerance. Using different kinds of sports and different methods of learning, young people were encouraged to think about human rights, as a fundamental rule for fair play in life. Young people had the opportunity to visit the museum and the ancient stadium of Nemea and had a chance to have a guided tour from the archaeologist of the Society for the revival of the Nemean games. Young people developed their cooperative skills and creativity by creating their own games and an “Outdoor games park”, which is the visible result of this exchange.
European Voluntary Service
1). MY EVS IN ANKARA, Turkey
European Voluntary Service between ENYC organisations (Filoxenia, Greece – System and Generation, Turkey).
“My name is Vasiliki Stavroglou, I am Greek and I am doing my long term (10 months) EVS program in Ankara. I have one roommate, she is from Ukraine and she is also EVS Volunteer at the same organization. Our Hosting Organization “System and Generation”, is located in the city Center of Ankara, where there are many shops, street markets so every day I get in touch with the Turkish culture.
Me and my roommate, during our free time, we are traveling around Ankara and hang out with friends, enjoying the Turkish culture and the Turkish hospitality.
My Hosting Organization is an Youth Association. So every day many youngsters come to the office, to learn about Youth in Action Programs, or to learn about the local activities of my HO.
My EVS theme is about European Awareness, Media and Communication and Youth Information. That means that my tasks are focus to inform the young people about EU and special about EVS Program. I am also responsible for Youth Telegraph, responding at email and searching for program opportunities. Sometimes I give English of Greek lessons, depends of the needs of the Young people who are going to have their EVS abroad.
As well I am helping at organizing or I participate in the local activities of the Hosting Organization. Specific, this period they have a big project about Inter-generation Dialogue.
They bring together elderly and young people, through activities, which aim is the Active Life of Elderly People. Picnic, music concert, NesilFest are some of the activities that will take place.”
European Voluntary Service between ENYC organisations(Filoxenia, Greece – Casa da Juventude, Portugal)
“If you are 18-30 years old and you want to experience something different, to learn more about other cultures, languages, lifestyles, but also to discover more about yourself, what are your talents and what actually make you feel happy… don’t think too much, just become a volunteer!
In my case the EVS (European Voluntary Service) came out of nowhere! But that’s why the phrase “Everything happens for a reason” exists. I was informed about the possibility to become a volunteer through an NGO (non government organization) “FILOXENIA” and I find it really interesting, so I said yes! My thought was: “Why not to try?”, and now I feel more than lucky because of this decision!
I’m already in the middle of my service and I feel like “another person”. I observe many changes on myself. I feel that it’s a big challenge and that I can contribute a lot by helping other people and learning a lot of new things! It’s amazing feeling to enjoy what you are doing and not doing things just because you have to! And here is the big difference between work and being a volunteer.
That is why is important to find the right project for yourself, depending on your own preferences and desires.
My project is occurred in the northern part of Portugal in a quiet, small and beautiful city called Amarante in a youth centre, Casa da Juventude! It is very diverse and this is also one of the reasons that makes me very satisfied, because I have the opportunity to learn a lot of new and different things, and to get important work experience in different fields that will absolutely help me in the future. Not only I improve myself in communication skills by learning a new language and improving my English, but I also learn how to work in a team in my daily life, to accept different opinions and that many “minds” can produce better results than one individual alone.
And what I’m really doing here? A lot! Firstly I work in Casa da Juventude, helping to organize projects and support each kind of event that is happening there. I also have the opportunity to be a part of the cultural agenda in the youth centre, so I decided to give Zumba lessons, just to enjoy dancing together with local people of Amarante.
But the most important thing is to offer and share my knowledge and good will to the community through work in different institutions for elderly people, where we spend time with them and do different activities (gymnastics, drawings etc), people with disabilities, in which I choose the education sector and where I also teach the clients some basic English, and with children in a school and in an orphanage.
At the end I would like to mention that we also work with local biological producers. Of course there are much more things, which if you want to know you should try it yourself! Because volunteering is a unique experience, a combination of giving and receiving back knowledge and feelings, a procedure of exploring and learning new things, an amazing long trip in which you meet new people and places, a lifetime experience!”
3-4) How to run a youth centre (Slovakia, Finland)
- Slovakia: 06.09.2013-06.03.2014
- Finland: 07.10-01.11.2013
5). “AGROroads in Greece
In the period 29.05.2013 – 19.06.2013 we implemented in Kryoneri with great enthusiasm of the participants, the Group EVS programme European Voluntary Service for Young People “Agroroads”, under the responsibility of the Youth Support Organisation FILOXENIA.
12 young volunteers from Finland, Sweden, Luxembourg and Germany are cleaning the Environmental Footpath of Kryoneri, renovate traditional stone buildings, create mosaics, paint the fence of the Secondary School, organize activities with the elementary school of Kryoneri during the International Environmental Day and are in creative contact with the local youth.
The action is part of the programme “Youth in Action” and supported by the European Commission and the Greek Foundation for Youth and Lifelong Learning. The European partner organisations are members of ENYC Network, as it is FILOXENIA too.
“This project has been funded with the support from the European Union. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”