Details of the member organisation / center
Details of the member organisation / center
Name: ACT for SOCIETY Centre
Street address:: Rruga Derhemi; Pallati SONY; Kati 1
Postcode: 1001
City: Tirane
Region: Albania
Country: Albania
Telephone: +355 (0)445074477
Contact person
Mrs Armela Pengili
Position/function: Executive Director
Contact Email:
Contact Telephone: +355698304533
Profile of the member organisation/center
Type of organisation: Non Profit Organization
Status of organisation: non-governmental
Activity level of organisation: national
Short description of organisation / center:
ACT for SOCIETY Center’ mission is to enhance the healthy lifestyles and stimulate the sustainable development of society. Its work consists on advocating for democracy and human right issues, promoting culture, connecting youth, stimulating the active participation of young people in the social life and decision-making processes, both in local and national level.
ACT for SOCIETY Center, was established in January 2012. ACT for SOCIETY Center believes in the power of change. It aims at making this change happen through “…new, creative, and effective strategies and initiatives…”.
The main focus of our projects is gender equality and equity, human rights, anti-violence and anti-extremism, participation in democracy, youth capacity-building.
Objectives :
- Advocacy and awareness-raising, focusing on human rights topic;
- Promote human rights and inclusiveness of marginalized groups and vulnerable groups;
- Enhance youth activities through non-formal education;
- Stimulate transparent decision-making processes in democracy;
- Embrace think-tank ideology and stimulate research;
- Active participation in international, regional and national networks;
- Peace – Building through Culture and Art.
ACT for SOCIETY Center has immensely invested in human resources development. Upon its establishment, our staff received comprehensive training and technical support including training retreats, training of trainers/training of consultants, regional internships, and on-the-job training that is followed by continuous professional and personal development.
We are Accredited for EVS (European Volunteer Service) – Sending, Receiving and Coordinating Organisation with code 2015-1-SI02-KA110-013235 within the European Commission’s Erasmus+/ Youth in Action Programme.
Integration of the intercultural learning, human rights education and education for active citizenship in its activities:
Until our establishment we have organized more than 35 projects, projects with focus on gender, human rights, anticipation, art and culture. In focus is Non-Formal Learning Techniques, we have organized: info sessions Training Courses, Youth Exchange, seminars, study sessions, conferences, street actions, and different campaigns etc.
Our experience in organization of international youth activities and the training of youth workers in multinational and multicultural context:
All our training courses have been organized in international context with the cooperation of minimum 7-9 European countries. Our first experience was in 2013 with one Training Course in Italy. We have run a project by our organization called: Gender in Youth Work: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunity, in collaboration with 9 partners from the region and European Countries. We are partners in more than 20 Youth in Action and Erasmus+ Projects.
The mechanisms we use in our organization / center in terms of ensuring the participation of young people in preparation and realization of our activities:
To involve more young people in our center we are using our website and pages in social networks for calls, another thing that we have is a club with our volunteers, they are free to create idea for different projects, especially in projects with schools and universities. Always we are using brainstorming and discussions in our daily work.
Where we see the role of our organization / center in promotion and implementation of the youth policies of Council of Europe in our country, region and internationally:
One of our main goals is to educate young people on human rights, gender and extremism, with the support of our donors we are working on those topics especially by using non-formal education methodology. Second but not last is to inform young people about youth policy of European Union by using EU programmes and tools as: Erasmus+ (Youth in Action – before Erasmus+). We have and one program that is called MasterPeace, when we are creating different projects using Art and Theater as tools of non-formal education.
The facilities of our organization / center (accommodation, educational facilities, training staff, specific methodologies etc.).
Our Center has all necessary technical and educational equipment for working with young people and for their development as: working areas with computers, printers, projector, boards, books and brochures, WiFi, video camera, place for discussions..etc
The staffs of our Center is well-trained professionals in youth issues, gender issue, unemployment, EU integration process, good governance and reinforcement of institutions etc. All these experience and skills have come because of lots of trainings in which they have been involved and because of the experience they have gained in the implementation of many projects. This is a guarantee that they have the right knowledge and the experience to fully implement all the activities foreseen in this project to be implemented by ACT for SOCIETY Center.
Our priorities / fields of interest for cooperation with other members of the Network in the sphere of intercultural learning:
- Non-Formal Education;
- Youth workers education;
- Intercultural learning;
- Lifelong Learning;
- European Voluntary Service.