Contact persons:


Our Youth Service is operating for 21 years in the local area.  We have a multi-disciplined team of experienced qualified youth workers with a supporting team of volunteers of various levels of experience and qualifications. All the leaders have taken part in multiple exchange projects before. All adults involved have been Garda Vetted. The Child Protection Policies are in place.


Our organization is a Family Resource Centre providing services such as Childcare, Older people, Adult Education, Training, Employment services, citizen information and Youth Services. Our Youth Services have youth work programmes such as: 

  • Drug Education and Awareness,
  • Relationship Sexuality Education,
  • International Programmes,
  • Youth Clubs & LGBT+ Groups,
  • Drama, music,
  • Film Making,
  • Residentials,
  • Youth Mental Health programs,
  • Youth Café,
  • Developmental and Personal Development Programmes.

Our projects have both taken part in and hosted bilateral, trilateral and multilateral exchanges over the past 16 years, with most countries around Europe and partner countries including Russia. We plan and implement programmes for ages between 10 and 21 years, for more than 200 young people. 

Our “International Programme” is part of the many overall services of the projects. 

Our projects normally operates five days a week every evening after school times, although also works weekends and the residential throughout the year. We were successful in securing a building from DCC and have opened a Youth Café. Our projects play a significant role and influences many local structures such as:

  • The South East Area Local Education Committees,
  • Local Policing Forums,
  • School Boards,
  • Dublin City Council,
  • RAPID Programme,
  • Local Networks etc.

We are partners with various National Universities in relation to organising student placements in various Social Study courses.

As a Community Youth Service we are often called upon and involved in all aspects of Community Life and Community Development.

We have hosted youth exchanges twice here in Dublin in 2019, the first was between Ireland, England and Wales and the theme was “Anti social behavior and knife crimes” two countries from the Enyc (Ireland and England) and one other, the age range of this exchange was 13 / 15 years. 

Our second youth exchange was called “A carnival of Inclusion” which included young people from Ireland, Reunion Island (France) Slovenia, and Austria. Three countries from the ENYC and two others. The age range of this exchange was 15 / 17 years.

Accommodation facilities:

We host our youth exchanges at Larchill adventure center and at Cavan adventure center.