About Regional Youth Centre of Kosice

Details of the member organisation / center

  • Street address: Strojárenská 3, 040 01
  • Postcode: 040 01
  • City: Košice
  • Region: Košice
  • Country: Slovakia
  • Email: rcm@rcm.sk
  • Website: http://www.rcm.sk
  • Telephone:+421556223820

Contact person

Profile of the member organisation/center

  • Type: youth center
  • Status: Governmental organisation established by regional self-government for Košice region
  • Activity level:regional

Short description of organisation / center:

  • Centre realizes educational trainings and schoolings activities on the field of youth work,
  • Centre is settlement of regional coordinator for programme “Youth in action”, methodical and schooling activities and the task of information worker for Eurodesk
  • Centre is a hosting and sending organisation for EVS
  • Centre organizes school competitions and Olympiads declared by Ministry of Education of
  • Slovak republic on regional level, organizes thematic trainings, meetings and thematic camps

Integration of the intercultural learning, human rights education and education for active citizenship in its activities:

  • centre is a settlement of regional coordinator of programme „Youth in Action“ and regional information worker of Eurodesk
  • centre organized regional competition about human rights for students
  • centre is responsible for promotion of student´s school councils and youth parliaments on local level
  • centre cooperates with regional youth council

Our experience in organization of international youth activities and the training of youth workers in multinational and multicultural context:

  • Youth exchanges
  • Seminars and trainings
  • EVS

The mechanisms we use in our organization / center in terms of ensuring the participation of young people in preparation and realization of our activities:

  • Cooperation with young people from different NGO and participation of them in preparation of our activities 
  • Open club like a place for children and youth, which offers them a chance for spending their spare time by their interest and offer them modern services for children and youth

Where we see the role of our organization / center in promotion and implementation of the youth policies of Council of Europe in our country, region and internationally:

  • implementation of youth policies of Council of Europe in regional level
  • cooperation with department of children and youth of ministry of education on priority tasks in youth policy

The facilities of our organization / center(accommodation, educational facilities, training staff, specific methodologies etc.):

  • training modules (communication skills, youth participation, motivation , team building , project management, leaderships, European citizenship)
  • 4 trainers in centre and external trainers
  • methodologies – workshops, role play, simulation, discussion

Our priorities / fields of interest for cooperation with other members of the Network in the sphere of intercultural learning:

  • Training and educational activities for youth leaders and youth workers (Leadership, human rights, European citizenship, communication skills)
  • Participation – working with school councils and youth parliaments on local and regional level )
  • Creation of youth policy conception on regional level 
  • Projects of youth exchanges, youth democracy, 
  • EVS

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