Details of the member organisation / center

Name: International youth center
Street address: 46 Knqz Boris I
Postcode: 1000
City: Sofia
Region: Sofia
Country: Bulgaria
Website: none
Telephone: +359897909707

Contact person

Mr Ivan Milanov
Position/function: chairman
Contact Email:
Contact Telephone: +359879295272

Profile of the member organisation/center

Type of organisation: NGO
Status of organisation: non-governmental
Activity level of organisation: national

Short description of organisation / center:

Association ” International Youth Center ” is a non-profit organization created by and for young people. The main objectives of the association are:

  • To promote and develop culture, education, environment, science, sport and tourism in the country;
  • To promote the active participation of young people in public life;
  • Organizing and facilitating the conduct of competitions, conferences , seminars with youth in the countries and abroad;
  • To support the creative, cultural and spiritual events for young people;
  • Promote the integration of young people with disabilities in society;
  • To contribute to solving the problems of disadvantaged youth;
  • To cooperate and work towards achieving lasting contacts between youth NGOs and government institutions at the national and regional level;
  • To initiate, carry out or provide support for specific projects and programs to support the development of youth community.

Integrating the intercultural learning, human rights education and education for active citizenship in its activities:

Our organization integrate the intercultural learning, human rights education and education for active citizenship in all of the activities that we are doing, by making separate topics for each of the three topics above.
By this way we ensure that all of the participants will learn about these three topics and could form opinion about them.

Our experience in organization of international youth activities and the training of youth workers in multinational and multicultural context:

Our organization has successfully made many projects in the area of youth projects. Some of our projects were local, made in Bulgaria, but others were international projects. We think, that with our experience in the youth projects, we could add positives to the project.

As a result of our a long–term strategy for the developing of the network of partnerships we realized a great number of international youth projects together.
Some of them are Erasmus + Youth Programme, such as:

  • Key steps to reduce youth unemployment “;
  • Youth unemployment and career development”;
  • Economy and youth unemployment”;
  • Career and business realization”;
  • Economy and youth unemployment”;
  • Youth motivation, implementation and improvement“;
  • Sport = Healthy Life”;
  • Quality training in the transport sector – the key to promoting youth participation in ecological transportation”;
  • Cultural diversity”;
  • Active Europeans – Green Europe” etc.

Our long-term GOALS of the organisation are:

  • Lowering the unemployment rate among young people to minimum.
  • Empowering youth for the future.
  • Providing better solutions for problems linked to youth.
  • Providing needed competences for successful participation in the labour market through training courses and non-formal education.

The mechanisms we use in our organization / center in terms of ensuring the participation of young people in preparation and realization of your activities:

Our organization is functioning with a lot of young people. In all of our activities we include young people in every aspect of the activity (creating the idea of the activity, preparation, realization etc.)

Where we see the role of your organization / center in promotion and implementation of the youth policies of Council of Europe in our country, region and internationally:

The role of our organization in promotion and implementation of the youth policies of Council of Europe in our country is mainly in sharing and spreading information among young people about the subject, through social networks and direct contact.

The facilities of our organization / center (accommodation, educational facilities, training staff, specific methodologies etc.)

One of the key factors for our organization is the staff that work for the organization. The staff is from the early beginning in the organization and has successfully done a lot of projects, local, national and international.

Our priorities / fields of interest for cooperation with other members of the Network in the sphere of intercultural learning:

In the sphere of intercultural learning, our aim is to cooperate with other members of the Network with the goal to exchange experience and to make some common projects in this field.

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