About Filoxenia

Details of the member organisation / center

Street address: Kryoneri

Postcode: 20200

City: Kryoneri Korinthia

Region: Peloponnese

Country: Greece

Email: filoxenia@filox.org

Website: http://www.filox.org

Telephone: +30 27420 51084

Telefax: 0030 2742051085

Contact person

Mr  Panos  Poulos

Position/function: International youth work coordinator

Contact Email: panos@filox.org

Contact Telephone: 0030 6944685550

Profile of the member organisation/center

Type of organisation: Association

Status of organisation: non-governmental

Activity level of organisation: international

Short description of organisation / center:

FILOXENIA is an NGO founded in 1995. It has today the legal status of a non-profit association and works in a wide cooperation scheme with local, regional and national institutions & authorities as well as at European and international level. FILOXENIA has the main aim to support the development of rural areas, through the realization of educational, youth, cultural and environmental projects.

General Activities:

  • Environmental education & protection;
  • Promotion of alternative forms of tourism (ecotourism, rural tourism);
  • Youth information and counseling;
  • Development of free-time and creative activities for youth;.
  • Cooperation with schools on educational projects;
  • Arts and multimedia projects;
  • European mobility & intercultural programmes;
  • Organisation of training seminars for youth and adults;

Target Groups:

  • local community,
  • teenagers & young adults,
  • primary & secondary schools,
  • educators & youth workers.

European Programmes experience:

  • Youth in Action (Youth Exchanges, Youth Initiatives, Youth Democracy, EVS Coordinating/Hosting/Sending organisation, Training courses & seminars);
  • Lifelong Learning Programme: Leonardo Da Vinci (placements & transfer of Innovation), Grundtvig (Learning Partnerships, In Service Learning);
  • Erasmus+ projects;
  • Projects in the frame of the German-Greek Fonds for the Future and the German Special youth programme for Greece;
  • Projects supported by private foundations (Kreuzberger Kinderstiftung, etc.).

Integration of the intercultural learning, human rights education and education for active citizenship in its activities:

We organise activities to promote intercultural learning, human rights education and education for active citizenship, such as arts courses for children & youngsters (painting, dances, music) under the theme “Human rights”, Greek language courses for foreigners and immigrants, intercultural events in cooperation with immigrants’ associations, volunteers & practitioners from other countries. During the events we develop different activities (linked with the specific countries), such as gastronomy, cinema, music, dances and background information, as well about culture, educational and economical situation, etc.
We always involve locals and people from other countries.

Our experience in organization of international youth activities and the training of youth workers in multinational and multicultural context:

FILOXENIA has a long lasting experience with international youth activities.
We organised & participated in numerous Youth mobility projects, such as youth Exchanges, seminars, vocational training experience, training for trainers and European Voluntary Service. FILOXENIA is the first organisation in Greece involved in the EVS, since 1997 (Flagship project “Creative Cooperations”), hosting the very first volunteer in the country.
Our staff participates continuously in a a variety of trainings and seminars for youth workers at national & European level.
We support actively our network partners at national and international level.

The mechanisms we use in our organization / center in terms of ensuring the participation of young people in preparation and realization of our activities:

We are always keen to motivate our members with on-going activities, planning new actions, involving them in all stages of our work. A good instrument for this is the linkage with E-newsletters, E-mails and social media communication.
Our networking with the schools gives us the possibility to contact more young people in our region.
We also keep contact with all youngsters participated in former activities (local, national or international). These youngsters are very good ambassadors for newcomers and are helping a lot the youth workers, to plan and implement our projects.
We also use printed material (posters, leaflets, etc.) to inform the youngsters.
When we meet candidates interested for certain actions, we use pedagogical methods to discover their interests & availability, through personal conversation and questionnaires. As soon as we allocate youngsters willing to participate in concrete youth activities, we are organising meetings/ seminars with different topics, according to the action. Then we have the youngsters informed and ready to participate in a youth activity.

Where we see the role of our organization / center in promotion and implementation of the youth policies of Council of Europe in our country, region and internationally:

Participating in actions & campaigns of the Council of Europe.
Using the Youth worker’s training kits published by the Council of Europe.
Getting involved in European Youth Foundation projects.
Promoting the cultural co-operation with the Council of Europe member countries.

The facilities of our organization / center(accommodation, educational facilities, training staff, specific methodologies etc.):

we have a specific cooperation contract with Youth Hostel Elisson (www.elisson.gr) in Kryoneri, using the premises, which can host ab to 25 persons in double & multiple bedrooms.

Educational facilities:
The association is based at the Youth Centre of Kryoneri and uses the premises of Polykentro Cultural Centre of Kryoneri for larger events and activities. Kryoneri village is situated at the rural area of the Corinthian upper land (Northeastern Peloponnese), just 15 Km away from the seaside town of Kiato (38 km from Corinth, 135 Km west of Athens).

We have facilities and seminar rooms in the Youth Centre of Kryoneri, access to full equipment events premises of Polykentro Cultural Center and the open-air Amphitheatre of Kryoneri, and access to different seminar & conference prenises within the Corinthian county (municipal facilities in Kiato, cultural facilities in Corinth, the Environment Museum of Stymfalia (http://www.piop.gr/en/diktuo-mouseiwn/Mouseio-Periballontos-Stymfalias/to-mouseio.aspx).

Training staff:
Youth trainers (3)
Trained youth workers (3)

Our priorities / fields of interest for cooperation with other members of the Network in the sphere of intercultural learning:

  • Erasmus+ EU-Programme for Youth and Vocational training;
  • Training for multipliers;
  • Council of Europe Human Rights and culture campaigns

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