Details of the member organisation / center

Street address: vicolo Luigi Lavista, 3
Postcode: 85100
City: Potenza
Region: Basilicata
Country: Italy
Website: ;
Telephone: +39097123300
Telefax: +39097134670



Contact person

Mr Antonino Imbesi
Position/function: Director of EDIC office
Contact Email:
Contact Telephone: +393288860881

Profile of the member organisation/center

Type of organisation: not for profit association
Status of organisation: other
Activity level of organisation: international

Short description of organisation / center:

EURO-NET is a not for profit association that is member or associated member of 57 international networks (5 of them are EU networks: EUROPE DIRECT, EUROGUIDANCE, EURODESK, SOLVIT and EBN-EUROPEAN BUSINESS & INNOVATION CENTRE NETWORK) .
EURO-NET gives to children, young people and adults these services:

  • information and project development center
  • organization of training courses, exchanges and cultural, artistic or sport activities
  • sector study, research
  • counseling, crisis support and prevention
  • e-learning, networking, partnerships, training courses and workshops
  • publications, newspapers and web sites.

It has realized more than 330 European projects, especially with Youth and Youth in Action, Socrates, Leonardo, LLP, Progress, Daphne, Life, E-Aid, Culture, Creative Europe, Erasmus Plus (KA1 and KA2), Representation in Italy of E.C., European Youth Foundation, Council of Europe, etc.
EURO-NET is also the leader of a consortium (called CONCRETO) that is managing a “Creative Centre” (called TILT) in Marconia di Pisticci (province of Matera): the aforementioned centre is composed of multipurpose open spaces according to the “Visioni Urbane” programme’s style (a project of “Patto con I Giovani”) realized by REGIONE BASILICATA together with MINISTERO DELLO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO (Ministry of Economic Development) and financed by the FAS, meaning Underused Areas Funds. It covers an indoor area of about 400 sq mt, a 700 sq mt parkland, a 400 sq mt terrace, a 1000 seats auditorium (with a stage of 300 sq mt) and a large parking. The Centre for Creativity can be suitable for live performances (theatre, concerts, stand-up comedies and so on), fairs, training courses, meeting, sport events, cultural exhibitions, movies (there are also a well-equipped editing hall and a recording studio). Moreover it includes some café areas, guest rooms, catering, info-point, show-room, etc

EURO-NET was chosen 2 times from the European Commission in the Pan-European Working Groups for its competences and 3 times published for its best practices in the field of media and communications).
It is also specialised in the realisation of cartoons, electronic games, videos, movies. etc.
The Association co-operates with many public Administrations with which it has particular agreements for the diffusion of juvenile and adults activities and helps all juvenile organisations and any other type of organisations to realise European programs.

Moreover, the association has organized the Short Movie Festival twice under the aegis of the Council of Europe and under the patronage of the PRESIDENT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC, that awarded both activities with a medal.

Integration of the intercultural learning, human rights education and education for active citizenship in its activities:

EURO-NET has a wide experience in the youth field and owns permanent and highly qualified facilities for training courses, meetings, apprenticeships, workshops, youth exchanges or initiatives, etc. with different skills: its facilities, together with the staff’s skills, allow to always meet the stated goals.
It has realized more than 330 European projects, especially with Youth and Youth in Action, Socrates, Leonardo, LLP, Progress, Daphne, Life, E-Aid, Culture, Creative Europe, Erasmus Plus (KA1 and KA2), Representation in Italy of E.C., European Youth Foundation, Council of Europe, etc.
EURO-NET has realized and developed over 300 different kinds of activities in many fields (languages, IT, European citizenship, comics, self-esteem, family support, video graphics, animation, projects management, marketing, etc.) including workshops, conventions, conferences, meetings, exchanges, festivals and several events.

Our experience in organization of international youth activities and the training of youth workers in multinational and multicultural context:

The staff of EURO-NET has a long-lasting experience about European projects management, promotion of social inclusion of disadvantaged people and sharing skills and best practices.
Every person of the key staff involved in this application has:

  • Specific skills in the field of the project development;
  • Previous experience in many European programmes;
  • Skills in managing team and transnational activities;
  • Skills acquired in the course of different workshops;
  • Cultural skills useful for the realization of the scheduled activities;
  • Good Knowledge of foreign language

The mechanisms we use in our organization / center in terms of ensuring the participation of young people in preparation and realization of our activities:

We cooperate with many schools and organisation at regional level.

Where we see the role of our organization / center in promotion and implementation of the youth policies of Council of Europe in our country, region and internationally:

We are for sure the most important organisation in the region. Each year we permit to about 3-400 young people to realise mobilities abroad (trainings, courses,exchanges, etc.).

The facilities of our organization / center(accommodation, educational facilities, training staff, specific methodologies etc.).

Our office has all the necessary facilities (many computers, 3 scanners, 2 printers, 2 very fast lines for internet, 1 fax, 2 telephones, etc.)
For accommodation we use various hotel, very close to the office (about 100 meters).

Our priorities / fields of interest for cooperation with other members of the Network in the sphere of intercultural learning:

We are ready to participate to all the opportunities offered by the network partners in all the possible projects.