Details of the member organisation / center

Name of organization: CUBIC – Cultur & Bildung im Context
Street address: Oberes Estrichfeld 6 A
Postcode: 6170
City: Zirl
Region: Tyrol
Country: Austria
Organization’s Email:
Telephone: +43 660 2012437



Contact person:

Mr Leo Kaserer
Position/function: CEO
Contact Email:
Contact telephone: +43 660 7101837

Profile of the member organisation/center

Type of organisation: Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise
Status of organisation: non-governmental
Activity level of organisation: international

Short description of organisation / center

CUBIC is a non-profit organisation established in 2005 to support young people with fewer opportunities to find their passion, develop self-awareness and expand their horizons; this is achieved through delivering innovative international projects that are culturally immersive, educational and unique.

In its activities CUBIC aims at encouraging intercultural exchange and learning processes. CUBIC tries to improve especially the opportunities of young people of getting involved in social and labour life, giving special attention to the inclusion of disadvantaged youth.

Our overall aim is to support young people with fewer opportunities – to offer them a secure frame and environment of learning, including a clear timetable and daily structure, to give them the chance to prove themselves in new situations and give them impulses to develop their self-perception and self-esteem, to help them orientate in their current life situations, and to encourage them to take a stake in their life, and to help them find ideas and motivation for further action.

Integration the intercultural learning, human rights education and education for active citizenship in its activities:

We are always looking for fresh ways to inspire, engage and empower young people, and we want to offer them opportunities to create experiences which are relevant and rewarding by using the principle of non-formal learning and practical activities, for example:

  • teamwork,
  • communication,
  • awareness of community values and the value of community work,
  • outdoor work experience,
  • handicraft and woodworking skills,
  • self-organisation,
  • taking responsibility,
  • development of soft skills,
  • self-confidence and self-esteem.

Our experience in organization of international youth activities and the training of youth workers in multinational and multicultural context:

CUBIC’s members, professionals in the field of youth and social work and training development, are experienced in educational project management, and have more than 10 years’ experience in managing EU projects and working with the target group of disadvantaged young people and adults. The team has relevant experience in Youth in Action and Erasmus+ projects in different settings and is cooperating with international partners especially in the context of the “Rückenwind” network. Our team has extensive international youth work expertise and organisational know-how, combined with excellent language skills and proficiency in using the new technologies and tools for visibility.

Our strategy for inclusion project, “Rückenwind”, (for youth aged 16 – 30, with fewer opportunities) won an award from the Austrian Ministry for Youth in 2008 and, in 2012, CUBIC won the Audience Award of the SOZIALMARIE for the social innovative projects. We are well supported by many other carefully selected professional associates, usually commissioned for a particular project or event as trainers, facilitators or group leaders. These people come from a wide variety of social and professional backgrounds. The positive experiences and the tangible personal developments of young people with fewer opportunities as visible results of our projects are the source of motivation for us.

The mechanisms we use in our organization / center in terms of ensuring the participation of young people in preparation and realization of our activities:

CUBIC acts as a resource for young people by providing assistance and organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities as a means of helping them advancing in life and developing their skills, capacities and capabilities, and enabling them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals.

We follow the idea of equity vs equality which means that from our understanding we have to provide the necessary measures to ensure that everyone can be successful and counts as a valuable part of society.

We want to inspire young people to expand their horizons and aspirations and deal successfully with transition, to recognise and value young people’s positive contributions to society, to encourage participation in social enterprise and community action projects (local, national and international) and to increase young people’s understanding of global issues.

Where we see the role of our organization / center in promotion and implementation of the youth policies of Council of Europe in your country, region and internationally:

CUBIC is working with partners who put the volunteer, their needs and their learning potential in the centre of their efforts. And we have the chance to cooperate with many organizations around Europe who put inclusion as their priority. We work closely with communities and municipalities.

Staff and board members from our partner organisations have established links to the communities which allows us to have a range of associated partners from diverse fields. We are in contact with local NGOs on the ground who are proposing possible fields of contribution (e.g. tree planting) or invite the groups of volunteers to their own activities (e.g. public beach cleaning day). Our plan is to support the needs of the local community and to run regular volunteer hosting programmes aimed mainly at young people from backgrounds of fewer opportunities – an area where we have an excellent track record of successful engagement.

The facilities of our organization / center (accommodation, educational facilities, training staff, specific methodologies etc.):

We create space, support ideas and develop projects: We work together with youth and social workers, educational institutions and public amenities to develop and implement youth qualification and employment projects within “Rückenwind”, together with our cooperation partner Arbeiterkammer Tirol.

Our priorities / fields of interest for cooperation with other members of the Network in the sphere of intercultural learning:

We want to focus on working with young people with fewer opportunities as well as providing youth workers with tools and methods to implement in their daily work with underprivileged youth.

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