About Centre for LeisureTime Activities JUNIOR

Details of the member organisation / center

  • Street address: Tajovskeho   30
  • Postcode: 97590
  • City: Banka Bystrica
  • Region: Banskobystrický
  • Country: Slovakia
  • Email: juniorbb@juniorbb.sk
  • Website: http://juniorbb.sk
  • Telephone: 00421/48/415 31 11

Contact person

Profile of the member organisation/center

  • Type: youth center
  • Activity level: regional

Short description of organisation / center:

Institution of the regional selfgovernment supporting non-formal education at the regional level

  • Organizing the leisure time activities
  • Running programmes focused on education in methodology of work for youth workers, leaders and young people
  • Preparing analysis of needs in the youth work for the local authorities

Develop and coordinate the programmes and the activities which support intercultural exchanges, active participation of the children and the young people, exchange experiences and best practices concerning above all the education of young leaders and workers.

Integration of the intercultural learning, human rights education and education for active citizenship in its activities:

  • training activities for members of youth counils
  • competition at human rights
  • trainingr for youth leaders and yoth workers concern those topics
  • methodologycal support

Our experience in organization of international youth activities and the training of youth workers in multinational and multicultural context:

  • international summer camps
  • youth exchanges
  • EDS
  • seminars

The mechanisms we use in our organization / center in terms of ensuring the participation of young people in preparation and realization of our activities:

  • volunteerism
  • participation in activities as a motivation factor

Where we see the role of our organization / center in promotion and implementation of the youth policies of Council of Europe in our country, region and internationally:

  • to disseminate information about the work of the CoE and other relevant European institutions active in the field of youth work
  • to exchange experiences and best practices concerning above all the education of youth leaders and workers in multinational context
  • implementation the state policy towards children and youth, which follows strategic goals of CoE

The facilities of our organization / center(accommodation, educational facilities, training staff, specific methodologies etc.):

  • training modules (ICL, team building, project management, effective communication, youth participation etc.)
  • 5 trainers
  • we use participatory methods (workshops, role play, simulation, discussion etc.) and non-formal learning

Our priorities / fields of interest for cooperation with other members of the Network in the sphere of intercultural learning:

  • youth participation and democratic citizenship
  • peer education
  • cultural diversity

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